Sunday, June 3, 2007

Finally- The "First" Post

So, finally I started!

After seeing the so called Web 2.0 grow so rapidly around me ( i am living through it every day.. ) its hard to resist the temptation of joining the bandwagon and start giving text ( voice otherwise - yeah that's web 2.0 ) to your thoughts...So, one fine Sunday afternoon I also signed up at blogspot to give myself a space in the growing web of thoughts and expressions....and here i am trying to type as i think "what the hell will i do with this space?"

I think creating a space for yourself is the easiest part ( which i have just done ) but to keep it alive and kicking is a tough ask ( i am excited to do that ). Now that I have created one, I am going to use this space for scribbling my thoughts, ideas & creativity through text and pictures ( i had to find a place to showcase my "attempts" at photography anyways)

Why Sans Syllogism - Syllogism is a form of deductive reasoning - reasoning from the general to the specific - A reasoning derived out of logic. So, while I put my thoughts in this space, they are My (SANdeep'S) reasoning's ( derived out of logic - not always though ) but you can also take them as sans ( without ) reasoning since thoughts are fluid and they need not always require a "reason" or "logic" for thought?

So, it took me 30 mints to set it all up and put my first post together...its not all that tough!